
Adventure Bound Book Club is a club for people who enjoy female-led dystopian, magical realism, and adventure stories (stretching into fantasy, fairytales, and science fiction as well). We are especially interested in reading works by BIWOC (Black Indigenous Women of Color) authors and authors from cultures around the world.

Join us each month as we revisit old favorites, discover new classics, and have a great time escaping into a new world with friends!

Monthly Meetings

We will meet once a month on Zoom to discuss that month's book. Please see the schedule page for dates and times.

Group Rules

Join the Convo

Join our Facebook group and join our monthly meetups on Zoom when you can.

Be Respectful

Hate speech and discrimination of any kind will NOT be tolerated.

Have Fun

This club is for socializing with great people who share the same interest in books.

Be Open-Minded

Books we read will feature people with different cultures, races/ethnicities, religions, sexuality, etc.

No Spoilers!

If you just can't wait to discuss part of a book before our meetup, post in the Facebook group and see if anyone wants to chat privately about it.

100-Page Try

Some books don't click with us, and that's ok, but please commit to reading at least 100 pages.

What Are We Reading?

See our reading schedule here to see this month’s featured book and when our next meetup is.

Our Team

Sophie Taylor

Club Host